A 501(c)3 non-profit empowering social causes through the prism of new and emerging art.

Our vision is to empower social causes through the prism of new music and multi-media art in order to connect communities directly to these issues and provide a framework of support for new and emerging artists.
The Arts Do Not Exist In A Vacuum
The Arts have the ability to touch audiences through crystal clear expressions of the human condition – we seize this transformative power and create bridges that drive impact on our world.
Our programming focuses on social causes that are important to us. To realize this, we commission emerging artists with lived experiences relevant to our programming and empower them to create meaningful works. We partner with organizations that focus on these issues beyond the arts to present our works to wider audiences.
Building community through our values
If we can find a way to explore the human condition, audiences will be moved to act.
To do this, we need your help. We seek your involvement in our efforts to bridge communities. One way to do this is through a generous contribution to our organization. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.
Making Impact Through The Arts
Making Impact Through The Arts
Making Impact Through The Arts
Making Impact Through The Arts
Making Impact Through The Arts
Making Impact Through The Arts
Our community partnerships are what makes us viable. Join us as we drive impactful art through Houston and beyond.
Want to collaborate? We’re always looking for community partners for our programs.
Let's create bold programming together
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all donations to us are tax deductible. Consider making a donation to ConcertiaHTX today.